Italian Ministry of Labours and Social Policies in cooperation with the EU
MOLDOVA: Training of Trainers
Ifoa won the tender published by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies aiming at professional training of trainers working in Moldovan training centers for adolescents in social disadvantage.
As part of the Thematic Programme Cooperation with third countries in the areas of Migration and Asylum, the European Commission published the Restricted Call for Proposals 2009-2010 EuropeAid/128764/C/ACT/Multi and the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, DG Immigration and Integration Policies, signed with the EC the Grant Contract for the implementation of the project “Addressing the Negative Effects of Migraton on Minors and Families Left Behind” in partnership with the Moldovan government and IOM Mission to Moldova.
In the context of a bilateral exchange with the competent authorities in the Republic of Moldova and in view of the attenuation of social disadvantage of children and adolescents, left alone in the country due to emigration abroad of Moldovan parents for work reasons, the project, besides further activities, foresees the implementation of training courses for trainers working in Vocational Training Centers in Moldova in order to update and increase the training offer.
Ifoa is in charge of training of trainers activities for 60 professionals from Moldovan Training Centers in specific productive sectors identified according to the Moldovan Labour market needs.
Main activities:
- Theoretical and practical training of trainers;
- Preparation and distribution of training materials to Moldovan trainers;
- Testing.
The training of trainers will focus on the following three professional profiles:
- Tailor;
- Cook, confectioner, baker;
- Internal floor layer.
Project value: € 77.578
Duration: 07/2012 – 31/10/2012
Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Programme
ARGENTINA – START: Development of Management skills for young managers belonging to the Italian community
The programme’s overall objective is to develop and strengthen, in the local public administration of Buenos Aires area as well as in the employer’s organization involved in the economic development of the country: cultural level in local development; management skills involved in socio-economic processes; the building up/set-up of Centres supporting local development and territorial promotion; SMEs tools and strategies through brand, product and district policies. START project will effectively support the public administration through training and consultancy services for 60 young managers. An internship of 10 months will follow.
Project value: 1.200.000 €
Duration: 07/2006 – 09/2008
Chamber of Commerce Industry and Crafts of Reggio Emilia
“Intelligent Scouting” Project
Delivery of services for the promotion of the information, access and management of EU funds and the opportunities available under the financial programmes of the EU for the period 2007- 2013.
Duration: 2006-2007
Apprenticeship models in Europe: study tours for regional civil servants
Technical assistance for the design, organization and implementation of foreign study tours for the exchange of good practices of the reference parties in all of the 20 Italian regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolsen.
Value: 143.000 €
Duration: 2005-2006
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Law 212
ROMANIA – Set-up of an Italy Point Training Centre
The overall project objective is to set-up an “Italy Point” at the Permanent Education Department of Polytechnic of Timisoara in charge of designing and delivering training programmes having as beneficiaries: 10 local trainers; 50 young graduates, school leavers and adults. The “Italy Point” aims at satisfying the needs of Italian companies with regard to their request for qualified human resources by: completing and strengthening local skills in the field of management and/or of technical skills as well as reinforcing local skills in providing training in the field of management for the market oriented enterprises.
Project value: 320.000 €
Duration: 04/2003 – 02/2005
Ministry of Employment
CREDIT – Promoting the recognition of qualifications and credits among Italian regions and transfer of a European model (Ulixes European School)
Transfer of a design model and relative skills assessment, developed and successfully
experimented under the framework of a Leonardo da Vinci Project, to promote the recognition of credits between training bodies in the Basilicata and Puglia regions. Implementation of information seminars in Bari, Lecce, Potenza Matera, study tours for 24 employees of the Puglia and Basilicata regions to the Emilia Romagna region and training of 50 training operators from Puglia and a further 37 from Lucania.
Value 498,000 €
Duration: 2002-2003
Province of Macerata
Consulting project for support to the foreign work placement activities (Germany) and updating in professional training and employment guidance services for the staff of the Province of Macerata
Technical assistance in the field of good European practices in employment guidance services. Organisation of a study tour in Germany to exchange experiences with local institutions in the apprenticeship system.
Value: 175,000 €
Duration: 2000-2001