We were born in the early Seventies from the Reggio Emilia Chambers of Trade will. We become Training and Service Center of the Chambers of Trade in 1994 after the entrance of all the Emilia Romagna Chambers of Trade, Emilia Romagna and Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce in the team. In 1999 we have been honored from the Ministry of Labour as National Institution of Professional Training (L.40 of 1987).
IFOA Company members:
• Assembly of Participants
• Management Board
• Head of the Management Board
• Board of Statutory Auditors
• Address Scientific Committee
Our goal is to develop training activities, working support, professional specialization and qualification activities, guidance and work placement activities in order to support companies and territories competitiveness. These are the jobs with which we address to people, companies, economic categories, professional organizations, public administrations and other public and private subjects.
IFOA participants:
• Reggio Emilia Chamber of Trade
• Bologna Chamber of Trade
• Romagna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini Chamber of Trade
• Modena Chamber of Trade
• Parma Chamber of Trade
• Piacenza Chamber of Trade
• Ferrara Chamber of Trade
• Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce
• Emilia Romagna Union of Chambers of Commerce
• Reggio Emilia Manodori Foundation